Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close Trailer

Cue the tears, as the trailer of what could end up being one of 2011's brightest awards hopefuls premieres.  Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, based on the novel by Jonathon Safran Foer, and adapted by screenwriter Eric Roth, he of such fine pedigreed films such as The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Munich, Ali, The Insider, and Forrest Gump, for which he won the Oscar (let's forget about his involvement in The Postman and Lucky You.)  A family weepie about a young boy who quests to find out what a mysterious key (belonging to his father) opens.  The film stars Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Viola Davis, Max von Sydow, James Gandolfini and newcomer Thomas Horn.  A U2 song and a 9\11 in the trailer ensures general mistiness.  The grandest prospect for the film, however, is that is directed by Stephen Daldry.  This is this mans third motion picture, and he received Best Director nominations for his first two-- Billy Elliot and The Hours.  Either he knows Academy secrets, or whatever the case, Oscar has a crush on him.  If the movie makes anyone cry, it doesn't even have to be as good...

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