Friday, September 23, 2011

We Bought a Zoo trailer

There's been a lot of flack on this in the online universe, and with quite reason-- on first glance Cameron Crowe's latest We Bought a Zoo looks pretty terrible, with seemingly every family dramedy cliche in place, and what appears to be slightly mawkish sentimentality-- but either by foolish illogical reasoning or whatever, I'm forever hopeful that this finds an audience and restores some much needed creative stock in Crowe.  He was the screenwriter behind Fast Times at Ridgemont High (one of the best teen comedies of the over-saturated genre of the 1980s), and the man behind Say Anything (has a Poison song ever been put to better use; no!) and the Oscar-winning writer and director of Almost Famous, which is probably the greatest movie about rock and roll ever made.  With a heart forever steeped in music, and a knack for dialogue that it's best channels both Billy Wilder and Frank Capra, I want a joyous return for Crowe.  Of course, after the disasters of Vanilla Sky and Elizabethtown still burn.  One blessing might come from it's casting-- Matt Damon is proving himself a mature and lovable cinematic everyman and Elle Fanning is still fawned about for her muse-like performance in Super 8.  I'd like to be hopeful here....

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