Thursday, September 13, 2012

"Lincoln" trailer

It's been quite some time since I've been enchanted by a film by Steven Spielberg, however watching a new trailer, featuring that tag line still carries the weight of enchantment from childhood.  Even so, the first true glimpse of Lincoln, the second great Abe film of 2012-- this only likely sans vampires, raises a few alert bells.  Sure, it features a dynamo cast-- with an ever grizzled Daniel Day-Lewis front and center (and sure to be an Oscar contender; damned the actual quality of the final product.)  In fact, perhaps that my biggest peeve-- that this film can only be okay in order to receive tremendous end of year plaudits, simply by its pedigree-- look no further than last year's painfully sincere War Horse (and its 6 Oscar nominations) for more support to that thesis.  At the very least, the written by Tony Kushner back line, while lacking in childhood sentiment, adds artistic cred.  Fingers crossed November 17th!!!!


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